Nov 10, 2008

About Me

This a poem I wrote back in 2001. It is my own personal remix to a song by City High. I changed some words to describe more about me. Enjoy!

You can say I`m plain Jane,
but it`s not the same I ain`t into big names,
but I like nice things,
I like roller skating and the Sixer`s game,
I wouldn`t mind being a poet cuz I love to write things,
I like going out, taking walks and stuff,
I don`t run with many girls cause they talk too much,
I enjoy quiet nights at home cause I`m next to ya,
Ain`t a virgin that don`t mean I`m having sex with you,
Anywhere I go I`m spotted,
And anything I want I got it,
Five Four with brown eyes,
Smile like the sunshine

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